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Creamy Whipped Tallow

Alicia Reeves

Whipped Tallow made with pure HIGH Quality ingredients ONLY!

After 4 years of playing with different kinds of tallows from small local farms, I finally found one of such High Quality I have chosen to make my own tallow for face & body. The other ingredients you blend into the tallow make a difference if it helps with wrinkles, lines and lipid protection.

My tallow is made from a dry rendered suet from a small local grass fed farm. Suet contains A higher Concentration of all the vitamins, minerals, fatty acids, omega 3, B vitamins, CLA and beta carotene. It is double the cost to make a pure tallow product this way. 

With two sizes to choose from.

This silky cream texture will help to soothe the skin, calm down inflammation and prevent dehydrated skin. Due to its similar lipid profile to the skin's natural oils, it can effectively repair the lipids while hydrating and softening the skin. Rich in Vitamins A, D, E, K, B and Lipids. Providing superior skin care benefits and optimal skin vitality. Gentle on the skin for any skin care type. This is nature's perfect skin care product. Tallow has been used as a healing skin care product since the beginning of time, by our very own ancestors. There is evidence suggesting it may help regulate sebum production and reduce excess oil flow.

This tallow balm is so creamy it feels like a cream and takes the smallest amount and spreads very easily.

Day time: Wash Face, Use Toner, Active Alive Serum, H20 Water or mix one pump of Active Alive with 2-4 drops H20. Then which-ever product your skin needs afterwards, you can always mix products together for deeper penetration 

Night time: Wash face, re-wash with scrub/wash cloth, Toner, Bright Skin Tone, H20 Water and products of choice. Remember you can always mix products together. 

Ingredients:  2.5oz jars of locally sourced grass fed beef tallow from dry rendered suet, cold pressed from Greece extra virgin olive oil from Kasandrinos, vitamin e, cold pressed rosehip, emu oil, organic raw honey, young living essentials oils of helichrysum & peppermint

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