Vitamin C Serum
Vitamin C stimulates the production of collagen. Hyper-pigmentation, even tone clarity, brighten-up the skin, helping unhealthy skin, anti-aging, reduce stains, restore collagen, reverse damage, helping lines & wrinkles.
This Serum brightens skin as it fights free radical damage, promoting deep repair. Helps lock in moisture. Helps protect against sun damage and skin discoloration. This serum helps to heal blemishes, stop them from forming, while keeping dark spots away. Working throughout the skin to stop sun damage, tighten, oxygenate, and stimulate new, healthy cell growth.
Camellia Sinensis (Green Tea) extract contains polyphenols that are potent antioxidants with skin soothing properties.
Brightening the skin even more by adding in alpha-arbutin, T-resveratrol, kojic, beaberry leaves, licorice extract, mulberry root, japanese green tea leaf extract & ferulic acid
Brighten Skin Tone
Improve the skin's appearance, texture, and brighten-up the skin tone. It helps reduce lines, wrinkles, new and old sun damage, hyper-pigmentation, control breakouts, congestion, thick rough skin, large pores, acne scarring, left over marks from pimples or sun-damage.
Once applied, this product will react with the upper layer of the epidermis, weakening the binding properties of the lipids that hold the dead skin cells together. This allows the top layer to be exfoliated exposing live skin cells. Then helping the skin cells to receive more important ingredients to break-up pigmentation and wrinkles. Forcing the skin to be smoother.
Over 120 squirts per-bottle and only one/two pumps needed per use.
How To Apply:
Shake First. Use everyday for best results. Can be mixed into any products and used before. Use One/Two Pumps spray on closed finger tips, rub palms/fingertips together, pat all over skin, then rub in well. Soaks in fast, but after its absorb continue to pat skin for 10 seconds, this helps it go in further.
*Do Not Spray Directly On-To Skin
Day time: Wash Face, Use Toner, Active Alive Serum, H20 Water or mix one pump of Active Alive with 2-4 drops H20. Then which-ever product your skin needs afterwards, you can always mix products together for deeper penetration
Night time: Wash face, re-wash with scrub/wash cloth, Toner, Bright Skin Tone, H20 Water and products of choice. Remember you can always mix products together.
Vitamin C serums, more information
Is also for sensitive skin which provides protection against environmental aggressors, like pollution and UVA/UVB rays. Using a vitamin C serum will neutralize free radicals that contribute to pre-mature signs of aging that includes uneven skin tone, fine lines, and wrinkles.