Active Alive C, H20 Serum, Brighten Skin & Retinol Serum
Vitamin C Serum
Vitamin C serum stimulates the production of collagen. Provides protection from outside environments like pollution and UVA/UVB rays. Using a vitamin C serum will neutralize free radicals that contribute to pre-mature signs of aging that includes loss of collagen, uneven skin tone, fine lines, and wrinkles.
This Serum helps lock in moisture while also working to heal blemishes, stop them from forming, while keeping dark spots away. Working throughout the skin to stop sun damage, tighten, oxygenate, and stimulate new, healthy cell growth.
Camellia Sinensis (Green Tea) extract contains polyphenols that are potent antioxidants with skin soothing properties.
Brightening the skin even more by adding in alpha-arbutin, T-resveratrol, kojic, beaberry leaves, licorice extract, mulberry root, japanese green tea leaf extract & ferulic acid
Brighten Skin Tone;
Cell turnover is a naturally occurring process in which the outer layer of skin sheds dead cells and replaces them with new cells. As skin ages, cell turnover decreases, which can manifest as visible signs of aging (discoloration, wrinkles, roughness) and reduce receptivity to professional skincare treatments. Activating cellular renewal helps to reduce these signs of aging and improve the efficacy of anti-aging treatments.
Refine and Brighten your Complexion with this Day & Nite Time Skin Care Kit. Try adding the Face Wash, Raw Scrub and Toner to this for a smoother, brighter & healthier complexion.
H20 Serum
Hydrating gel is an oil-free hydrating serum that replenishes moisture and renews radiance for a smoother complexion.
Retinol Antioxidant Serum
Accelerating Cell Turnover. Cell turnover is a naturally occurring process during which the outer layer of skin sheds dead cells and replaces them with new cells. As skin ages and turnover decreases, the cells heal more slowly from damage caused by free radicals, increasing the appearance of visible signs of aging.
Combat decreased cell turnover by incorporating retinol into your regimen. Using vitamin A, Retinol stimulates turnover and supports collagen production, keeping skin smooth and radiant.
Day time: Wash Face, Use Toner, Active Alive Serum, H20 Water or mix one pump of Active Alive with 2-4 drops H20. Then which-ever product your skin needs afterwards, you can always mix products together for deeper penetration
Night time: Wash face, re-wash with scrub/wash cloth, Toner, Bright Skin Tone, H20 Water and products of choice. Remember you can always mix products together.
Products Included with Order, Brochure Included If Your New
Active Alive C Serum
Brighten Skin Tone
H20 Hyaluronic B5 Serum
Retinol Serum
Best for: Hyper-pigmentation, even tone clarity, brighten-up the skin, helping unhealthy skin, smaller pores, anti-aging, reduce stains, restore collagen, reverse damage, refiner, helping lines & wrinkles.
These products will brighten the skin as it fights free radical damage, promoting deep repair. Helps lock in moisture. Helps protect against UVB damage and skin discoloration. Working throughout the skin to stop sun damage, tighten, oxygenate, and stimulate new, healthy cell growth.
How Antioxidant Serum Works
An antioxidant serum is formulated with compounds that neutralize free radicals, which are unstable molecules that are generated internally by the body as well as externally by UV rays, pollution, and lifestyle factors such as smoking. Free radicals are highly reactive and cause damage to cells within the skin. Without extra antioxidant protection for the skin, free-radical damage can contribute to premature visible signs of aging. The best antioxidant serum formulations often contain a combination of free radical-fighting ingredients that work synergistically and help each other perform optimally.